Saturday, March 31, 2012
Apa Semua Pria Berpikiran Mesum?
Friday, March 30, 2012
Kisah Mantan
Seperti biasanya, aku sedang duduk di samping taman depan kelasku ketika aku melihatnya bersama pacar barunya. Ya, dia mantanku. Mantan yang telah memberikan banyak pelajaran hidup padaku. Sungguh, aku sangat berterima kasih padanya.
Sahabatku, Lusi, melihatku tengah menengok ke arah mantan dan pacar barunya. Lusi, menghampiriku dengan candaan kecil dan menggodaku. Aku menoleh sebentar dan tersenyum kecil. Dia menanyakan padaku apakan aku menyesal pernah mengatakan kata ‘putus’ padanya. Hem, sungguh, hati dan ucapanku berkata serempak dengan jawaban ‘tidak’.
Ya, dia memang baik, namun ada hal baik yang tak harus berjalan dengan baik, bukan. Aku rasa, yang terbaik untukku adalah tidak menyesali apapun yang terjadi pada kami. Hidup adalah pilihan dan semoga ini adalah pilihan yang tepat.
Aku merasa sedikit bersalah pada mantanku itu. Mungkin, selama menjadi teman dekatnya dulu, aku belum bisa memberinya kebahagiaan. Selalu saja membuatnya kesal. Huufft. Maafkan aku, Mas Mantan.
Sudahlah. Bukankah aku telah bertekad untuk tidak lagi mengusik hari-hari bahagianya bersama Mbak Pacar Barunya?
Hari itu, aku bertemu dengan pacar barunya di kantin sekolah. Aku menyapanya dan aku benar-benar tak bermaksud apapun. Bahkan, aku tak pernah terlintas di pikiranku bahwa dia adalah pacar mantanku. Yang aku tahu, dia adalah pacar teman baikku. Aku duduk di sampingnya. Dan di tengah-tengah pembicaraan kami, aku mengatakan padanya bahwa aku sangat senang dia berpacaran dengan teman baikku yang dulu pacarku. Dan aku berharap, bila Tuhan mengijinkannya menjadi jodoh teman baikku itu.
Wajahnya sedikit keheranan. Dia bertanya padaku mengapa aku bisa terlihat sangat santai membicarakan pacarnya yang dulu pacarku. Aku dengan senyum kecil mengatakan, bahwa memang tak ada lagi yang mengganjal dalam hatiku dan aku sungguh bahagia dia bersamanya.
Untuk mantanku dan pacar barunya, semoga Tuhan selalu menyayangi kalian. Semoga karunianya berupa cinta selalu menyertai perjalanan asmara kalian. Inilah doa yang bisa kupanjatkan. Aku sayang kalian, Teman Baikku. Bukan sebagai mantan pacar ataupun pacar barunya mantanku. Ya, aku telah menganggap kalian teman baikku :).
teras kelas Social, 5 Mei 2012
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Solve Research Paper Main Problems in
A Whole Lot of Nothin’
This has been quite a week. Frankly a difficult one that leaves me with little I really want to go into detail about. I went out and walked as usual but there was really nothing picture worthy and the gloom persisted for much of the day. It went from forties to nearly the seventies seemingly all at once. I don’t feel much room to brag about the seventies when it takes all day to get there and then is quickly gone as the day passes its zenith. I’m still waiting for enough money to get the car timing belt and water pump changed out…I will be much relieved to have that out of my hair. My daughter will need to use that car to take her test for her driver’s license…oh boy. I will need to make adjustments on the insurance at that point. She graduates next year…I think I’m still in shock over that one.
I thought I’d better head out for some pictures but first I had to show this pathetic shot of our salamander. Don’t let that smile fool you…he’s waiting for his morning cricket…he’s every inch a predator. Sometimes I think he’s a “salagator” more than a salamander! The morning sunshine broke through today and left intricate patterns of shadow as it passed through our little bench in the backyard
. I see some buds are exploding out there at this point yet some do nothing at all just yet. Still no blossoms for us for the most part so these signs of spring really comfort me and give me hope…it causes such a new green haze when looking out over the neighborhood…I just love that
. One thing that is nice right now is the songs of the Redwing Blackbirds that love to sing back and forth to one another. The Western Meadowlarks haven’t arrived yet but still this is a nice thing to hear
The Work of Ron van der Ende
Came across the work of Ron van der Ende today. Ron is a sculptor living in Rotterdam. He specializes in wall mounted bas-reliefs constructed from found wood. Head over to his website to see more of his work. This "NASCAR Charger" above is probably my favorite along with the shotgun houses and cassette tapes.
this is why stipistop, a hungarian car blog, is one of my daily go-to's.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Backyard Friends
Male Northern Cardinal
Last week it was like summer here, but on a March day. Usually we still have snow and lots of it. This winter we hardly had snow at all and when we did it didn’t stay very long. I got off work early and decided to grab my e-book, my camera and something cold to drink, heading to sit and relax on my back deck.
It wasn’t long until I heard that sweet sweet sound of a singing Cardinal. I looked around and finally spotted him in a Spruce tree in my backyard. I slowly picked up my camera and took this picture. I waited all winter but didn’t see or hear a Cardinal in my yard until a few weeks ago. I was so excited and it has been coming back ever since. A few times he has brought his female partner with him. It has only been recently that I have been able to capture him with my camera. If I hadn’t been sitting there waiting for nature to come to me, I would have missed this opportunity. It was a perfect afternoon, and I really did need to just sit and relax for awhile. Just to be Still … Something that is so often taken for granted. For me it was something wonderful, just to sit and be still with a good book, my camera, a cold drink, and oh ya ; my little dog Jesse by my side keeping me company. :)
He decided to stop long enough to pose for me, and have a bite to eat at my Backyard Café.
Hope to find you all well and wishing you a wonderful rest of the week.
Love and Care
Dianne :)
And I can’t thank you enough for all your thoughts and prayers for my mom , my family and I. God Bless each and every one of you, and I know He does.
Dianne © dsphotocats
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Sun setting at Sebring
I took this from one of the many DIY spectator platforms at Sebring. Thanks to the guys who let me watch from up there and other platforms throughout the weekend. This is 40 minutes of dusk overlooking turns 11-12 condensed to 4 minutes. The audio was recorded on a separate device with really good stereo so turn up your speakers or headphones for full effect. I have a few hours of audio from the race from different places on the circuit that I am working on uploading to a few different places. This is a sample of the audio quality I have.
Monday, March 26, 2012
strassenversion on DRIVE
I have been really impressed with what these guys have done with this youtube channel since January. I have watched pretty much all of the original Top Gear going back to seasons with Tiff Needell and Quentin Wilson and love to watch different automobile shows from around the world: Turbo from France, the old Best Motoring from Japan, GRIP from Germany, 5th gear, Top Gear, and I would say that what they are doing with this channel can be compared to the best. Its still very young and they dont have the BBC's budget, but all of the hosts are really hitting their stride and producing some great content.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Seputar Musim Semi di Jepang
Jalan-jalan di Jepang, memang tak lengkap rasanya bila belum menikmati keindahan Tokyo. Atau kalau kamu berminat dengan anime, kamu bisa sempatkan untuk melihat kekreatifan warga Jepang dalam membuat cosplay.
By the way, di postingan kali ini, aku ingin membahas tentang eloknya musim Semi di Jepang. Kenapa yang kupilih musim Semi? Karena musim semi jatuh pada bulan Maret, April, dan Mei. Kira-kira sekitar sekarang ini, lah.
Hari Ekuinoks Musim Semi (春分の日 (Shunbun no hi) / Vernal Equinox Day)
adalah hari libur resmi yang ditetapkan dengan undang-undang hari libur Jepang (Shukujitsu-hō) tahun 1948 sebagai rasa terimakasih kepada alam dan mencintai makhluk hidup. Hari libur ini jatuh pada tanggal 20 atau 21 Maret. Pada hari itu, panjangnya siang sama dengan panjang malam.
Menurut berbagai aliran Budha, pada hari itu merupakan saat memulai upacara Shunki Higan-e (higan musim semi) untuk mendoakan para arwah leluhur.
Hari Pergantian Musim (節分 (Setsubun))
Dilaksanakan pada hari yang terjepit antara musim dingin dan musim semi. Di setsubun ini, ada tradisi melempar kacang kedelai untuk mengusir hantu (鬼 oni). Di kuil-kuil Shinto diadakan upacara melempar-lempar kacang kedelai yang juga dilakukan oleh bintang tamu orang-orang terkenal. Di rumah-rumah orang Jepang, kacang kedelai dilempar-lemparkan sambil mengucap mantera (Hantu ke luar, rezeki ayo ke dalam! (鬼は外、福は内!: Oni wa soto, fuku wa uchi!). (
Sakura dan Hanami
Yaiyy! I wanna look this moment ^_____^. Aku ingin sekali menikmati indahnya berada di bawah sakura yang sedang bermekaran. Hanami atau Ohanami adalah tradisi Jepang dalam menikmati keindahan bunga, terutama bunga Sakura. Kalau kamu pernah membaca Doraemon ataupun Shincan, mungkin pernah melihat gambar tentang tradisi unik ini. Biasanya, para keluarga atau kerabat, berkumpul dan berekreasi sambil menggelar tikar. Mereka biasanya menggelar tikar dan membawa bekal berupa bir/sake (yang disimpan dalam kotak berisi es batu) dan bento.
Festival di Musim Semi
Di musim semi, biasanya ada festival besar yang diadakan. Diantaranya Hina Matsuri dan Omizutori Matsuri yang diadakan di Kuil Todai, Nara, setiap 12 Maret. Kuil Senso di Tokyo juga menggelar pertunjukan kinryuu no mai (mirip naga yang dimainkan saat Imlek) tanggal 18 Maret. Pada festival ini ditampilkan hampir 100 penari dan pembawa naga yang diiringi alunan musik tradisional shamisen dan taiko.
Sebagai wujud ucapan syukur pada para dewa atas datangnya musim semi dan awal menanam padi, beberapa kuil Shinto mengadakan festival di bulan April. Misalnya Festival Oukasai di Kuil Kotohira-gu, Prefektur Kagawa. Pada festival ini para biksu dari kuil mengusung sakura yang ditanam pada pot kotak berbentuk kayu dari luar kuil hingga ke dalam kuil. Sementara para miko membawa sakura lalu menari tarian tradisional. Ada juga Hikiyama Matsuri di Kuil Hachiman-gu, sebuah festival yang mengadakan pertunjukan kabuki dan kyogen yang dibawakan anak-anak.(
Oh, ya, aku punya 1 rancangan baju dengan background sakura. Foto ini kuambil pas aku liburan di Jepang
Friday, March 23, 2012
Kata Hatter Geje tentang SMA Taruna Dra. Zulaeha
SMA Taruna Dra. Zulaeha Leces Probolinggo
Padhl y gk gt2 bgt..
Emg mnrt crita c Taruna tu berprestasi. Tp klo mnrtq bkn krn sekolahnya(1). Tp y trgntung anaknya itu sndri. Jujur paz jamanq yg dktain orang2 tuh gk smwnya bnr..
Skrg aq crtain prbdaan yg sgnifikan antara Taruna m skolah2 yg lain..
Taruna tuh cra mqrnya gk keren. Masak program rekreasi aja gk ada(3). Y ada c, tp tba2 bgt. Pdhl klo mo rekreasi gt kan bth duit yg gak dkit. Kdu nyelengi dulu. Kyk d SMPq dlu. Biaya bwt rekreasi uda dmsukin k biaya blnan. Jd qt uda nycil mlai klz 1. Enak kan klo gt..
Abiz tu mslh pensi(4). Yg aq tw acara ini yg plg dtnggu2 sm sbgian bsr pljr. Tp gak bwt Taruna. Antusiasmenya tergolong rendah. Mnatnya sdkit. Gak keren pkoknya!!!
uda dlu yah. Kpn2 tak trsin..
"Black Parade. Waw! Saya bilang, Anda termasuk orang yang berani, ya. Sepertinya, Anda harus belajar dari pepatah lama: bagai kacang lupa dengan kulitnya. Mungkin, seperti itulah Anda. Tapi, saya tidak ingin mempermasalahkan itu. Tapi, Anda seharusnya menengok kembali kondisi SMA Taruna Dra. Zulaeha yang sekarang.
(1) Menurut saya, siswa berprestasi itu, bukan hanya tergantung dari siswanya saja, tapi guru/sekolah juga ikut berperan. Jadi, jika siswanya ada yang berprestasi, itu juga karena dukungan sekolah, lo :)
(2) SMATAR (julukan SMA Taruna Dra. Zulaeha) itu ketat. Ya, mungkin memang tidak seketat SMA Taruna Magelang. Di zaman saya, keketatan itu ditunjukkan dengan adanya buku pelanggaran. Ditambah lagi, sekarang telah diterapkan sistem guru piket yang mana beliau-beliau selalu berjaga di depan pintu gerbang saat waktu menunjukkan 06.30 W.I.B..
(3) Kata Anda, saat itu SMATAR tidak ada rekreasi bukan? Sekarang, sudah ada, kok. Saya pernah menuliskannya di blog ini dengan judul Holiday in Jatim Park.
(4) Eits, jangan salah. Sekarang di SMATAR udah ada pensi rutin, lo. Saya juga pernah menulisnya dengan judul Pensi SMATaruna Dra. Zulaeha Sukses!. Selain itu, teman saya pernah menulisnya pula di blognya dengan judul Pensi II SMATaruna Dra. Zulaeha Seru!. Well, mungkin Anda perlu merevisi atau menulis ulang keluhan Anda di blog tersebut karena SMATAR sekarang sudah jauh berbeda, bukan :)"
Mom’s Is Home :)
I just want to give a quick update on my mom to let you all know that she was discharged from the hospital yesterday, and is feeling much better than she was 3 weeks ago tonight. I want to thank those of you who keep mom in your thoughts and prayers. She has an onward battle with kidney disease , but has won this battle, and thanks to the Lord who answered our prayers.
God Bless you all and have a wonderful weekend. Much appreciation, Dianne :)
Left Overs From The Hunger Games
Last night my family and I saw The Hunger Games midnight release. It was a lot of fun though for us all to go we had to save up some…food alone…ugh, the prices. We’ve really enjoyed the books and it’s been fun to go to the show after that…sort of the icing on the cake. I thought all in all they did a good job adapting the story to the big screen…it’s quite a dark show though, make no mistake and the books…darker still. I knew after reading the last book I really wanted to see the show. Closing the back cover left me excited for what it would be like in the theater
. If you’ve not read it I recommend it…three books…all worth the read.
Okay, there’s The Hunger Games…where do the left overs come in? Well, since I had limited time yesterday I kept some photos and waited until today to post. The weather is really amazing right now
. The skies are beautiful, the buds are beginning to show themselves and the sun has that warmth showing through that I’ve so longed for
. The greens of spring have been quite slow to show but it is slowly making itself known
. I love when the buds just start popping wide open…as of today these are much more open then in this photo
. I’m ready for the bleak scene in our backyard to green up, I have to tell you…just look at the dead leaf remnants in our rocks
. The house finches are so pretty to see. I heard some chirping and looked up to see this handsome little fellow
. It won’t be long and I’ll be in this spot taking pictures of the storms that roll by on the plains in the spring
. This little ironwork bird is sitting and waiting for the warmer days to come
…I can hardly wait! The dead leaves in the rocks will give way to our potted garden
. This year we’ve got everything from egg plants to Asian peppers…it will be beautiful and tasty! This is the beginning of every walk I take around here…care to join me
Thursday, March 22, 2012
12 Hours of Sebring 2012
I brought some new gadgets this year including a Nimslo 3D which I had never used before this weekend. I only bought it a few weeks ago and one test roll I shot at home did not produce any images. The images I shot at Sebring were the first I had ever taken and they are a bit sloppier than I had hoped as a result.
lady course Marshal
Delta Wing did a few parade laps. Mostly open minded reactions to this car with a general sense of "let's see what this thing can do"
Thursday Night Practice
light painting
is that an extra side mirror?
Nick Heidfeld
last minute fixes on Friday night
Race day. Saw marshals from France, Netherlands, UK.
#2 Audi pulling out an early lead
all three Audis eating T9 to T10. note the heat trails
~$5 worth of beer
shadows getting longer
I took some video and a few hours of high quality audio that I am still editing.